With over 45 convenient locations across the UK, and no need to book in advance...
ICC is more than just a car wash.
With over 45 convenient locations across the UK, and no need to book in advance...
ICC is more than just a car wash.
How can ICC help you?
Below is a list of the enemies most common to your vehicle...
We know how annoying and hard those pesky dog hairs are to remove so we take the time to ensure there is no trace of your pooch left in your car.
Ever spilled your coffee or smudged your makeup? Ugly stains that stare back at you every time you open your car door are a thing of the past.
Don’t leave it untreated, an elegant convertible doesn’t look good if the roof is beat up with mould and damage from the elements or if its colour is fading.
Claim a FREE wash with your
Loyalty Card
Have 5 valet services at participating ICC locations and receive an Express Service Valet completely FREE!
(*Terms and conditions apply).
Your opinion is very important to us!
Latest News
Opening soon: ICC at Riverside Hemel Hempstead
Vacancies available for experienced car valeters within the Birmingham area. Immediate start so come join the team…
Coming to The Lanes Shopping Centre in Carlisle. Opens August 1st 2024
Contact Us
Inter Car Cleaning (UK) Limited
Hollyfields Sports & Conference Centre
Woodacre Road
B24 0JT
0845 528 0459
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Simply turn up to one of our locations and our professional team
will take care of all your vehicle’s needs.
We do not operate a booking policy so please feel free to just turn up to one of our valeting centres* (excludes Mailbox, Birmingham)